Page 4 - 2017 Total-Recharge FAQ
P. 4


           1. What type of research is behind the Total-Recharge™ formula?
           Total-Recharge™ combines the latest research and clinical studies on stress relief and mineral uptake in
           the body.  Each ingredient has been independently researched by the most respected names in their
           fields.  Total-Recharge™ is a formula you can trust because its ingredients are clinically tested and proven.

           2. Are there any side effects?
           Total-Recharge™ capsules have no known side effects.

           3. If I am on medication can I safely use this formula?
           Total-Recharge™  is  safe  to  take  with  medications.    There  are  no  known  drug  interactions  and  the
           ingredients do not alter the action of any medications. Always consult you medical doctor before changing
           your prescribed program.

           4. Will Total-Recharge™ act like a metabolism booster or stimulant?
           No!  Total-Recharge™ is a nutritional approach to stress relief while supporting muscle recovery.  It does
           not contain any herbs to make you feel drowsy or jittery.  It works exclusively to help your body recover
           from the effects of stress.  The result is an increase in energy, enjoying a focused calm and faster muscle
           recovery in daily life as well as sports activities.

           5. Can I take Total-Recharge™ if I am a diabetic or have high blood pressure?
           Yes, this formula is safe for most people.  While this formula is not specifically for any medical condition,
           its ability to help support normal blood pressure levels can have a positive effect.  However, you should
           always check with your doctor before altering any prescribed treatment program.

           6. I am pregnant / nursing.  Can I safely use this formula?
           You should always check with your doctor before beginning any supplementation program while you are
           pregnant or nursing.  All ingredients in Total-Recharge™ are generally regarded as safe.

           7.  I am allergic to yeast and gluten, can I take this formula?
           Total-Recharge™ capsules contain no yeast, corn, soy or gluten.


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