Page 4 - 2019-total-zymes-FAQ
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Benefits of Enzyme Supplementation

                   •   Increases the bioavailability of nutrients by helping to convert food into fuel the body can use for energy.
                   •   Shortens transit time of food through the gastrointestinal tract.
                   •   Helps decrease the odor of feces because of less rotting and putrefaction.
                   •   Supports a strong immune system
                   •   Supports healthy skin, Normal Bowel Movements
                   •   Assists in faster recovery and healing.

                                         Frequently Asked Questions

               1.  Why does the Total-Zymes® label look so different? Has the formula changed?
               The Total-Zymes® formula has not changed. As a member of NASC (national animal supplement counsel) we have updated our
               label to use the AFFCO  and NASC guidelines. The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) is a voluntary membership
               association of local, state and federal agencies charged by law to regulate the sale and distribution of animal feeds and animal drug
               remedies. All ingredients in Total-Zymes® are AAFCO approved for safety and effectiveness. Beware of digestion products for pets
               using unapproved and possibly unsafe ingredients.

               2.  How do I use Total-Zymes® properly?
               Total-Zymes® should be taken with every meal.  One scoop of Total-Zymes® will digest one cup of any pet food. Total-Zymes®
               should be consumed just before or during meals. To mix with dry kibble add one scoop per cup of pet food in a small container with a
               snap on lid.  Shake it a few times and then feed out of that container. Mix up fresh every day.

               3.  Why are the enzymes in this formula measured in FCCPU instead of mg.?
               Enzymes are measured by reaction time, rather than by amount or weight. The unit measurements used for each enzyme refers to
               the length of time and the intensity of the reactions it creates.

               4.  Why use non-animal produced enzymes over animal/pancreatic enzymes?
               The non-animal Vegetarian enzymes are purer, very proactive, and react faster within their specific task. Animal/pancreatic enzymes, although
               designed to react the same way, may cause several negative reactions. This is due to the fact they may bring with them inherently non-
               compatible elements from their originations to your pet. These products generally carry a warning label regarding possible side effects from
               their use.

               5.  What is the difference between vegetarian and animal-based enzymes?
               Plant-based enzymes are derived from many sources including pineapple, papaya and fermentation. Animal-based enzymes are
               extracted from the pancreatic tissue of slaughtered pigs and cows. The high pH environment of the small intestine is the only place
               animal-based enzymes can function, as they are extremely sensitive to low pH ranges. This means that animal-based enzymes may
               not survive outside of this environment.  Plant-based enzymes are not destroyed by the acidic conditions of the stomach and are
               therefore stable in the upper stomach, where they can begin processing food immediately.

               6. Can I give my pet Total-Zymes® while they are on medication?
               This formula has not been shown to interact with any medication, however if you have any specific questions, please direct them to
               your veterinarian.

               7.  Are there side effects with Total-Zymes®?
               When taken as directed there are no known side effects with this formula. When you first introduce Total-Zymes® some pets will react
               like a normal food change, because the food was not digesting and now it is. So just like a food change do it gradually. 80% of pets
               have no reaction when adding the full serving of Total-Zymes®.

               8. Can I give Total-Zymes® to my puppies or kittens?
               This formula can be safely given to all pets regardless of age. Pets need Total-Zymes® as soon as they start eating processed food.
               Add Total-Zymes® to any cold or room temperature food or beverage. Remember heat and cooking destroys enzymes. And
               microwaving is definitely a No-No.

               9. What if my child gets into the Total-Zymes® powder and eats it? A child could get into it but since it is human grade no worries
               Only a facility that produces human supplements, undergoes the inspections and approval necessary to have genuine human grade status
               and therefore, a pet food or supplement must be made in such a plant in order to be called 'human grade'. The FDA and USDA are
               responsible for regulating human foods and supplements determining 'edible' status. In order to be allowed to produce human foods and
               supplements, a manufacturing facility undergoes far more frequent and detailed inspections by these and other agencies, compared with the
               inspection that a pet food plant undergoes.

               10. Would any pet benefit from Total-Zymes®?
               Yes, any pet that would naturally eat an all raw food diet in the wild will benefit greatly from Total-Zymes® And really do you know
               any pets that cook their food in the wild?

                                                                             For more information go to
                                                                             Or call 888-207-3480
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