Page 2 - Transfer-tox Liver Cleanse
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contribute to the development of degenerative conditions. Bile is made in the liver but stored in the gall bladder. Bile
          is produced in the liver from cholesterol. It is stored in the gallbladder which is situated just below the liver. The
          gallbladder is connected to the cystic duct which opens in the small intestine. The gall bladder receives the bile from
          liver through the common bile duct which is formed by the union of two hepatic ducts. The bile is then concentrated
          to more than ten times in the gallbladder. It is released in to the small intestine in response to the stimulation by fatty
          food. Bile’s function is to breakdown fats into microscopic droplets. This emulsification helps digestion by increasing
          greater surface area for better absorption. Then the pancreas would produce pancreatic lipase to break down the fat
          into glycogen and fatty acids.
                                                 Ingredient Details

          Silymarin  from  Milk  Thistle  -  Milk  thistle  is  the
          most  widely  recognized  natural  remedy  for  liver
          health and support. It has been shown in scientific
          studies  to  not  only
          protect  liver  cells,  but
          also to help regenerate
          healthy    ones.    Milk
          Thistle  blocks  toxins
          from  entering  the  liver,
          helps  remove  toxins
          from  the  liver  and
          regenerates liver cells.

          Lipase – A vegetarian enzyme the digests dietary
          fat into useable fatty acids. High Cholesterol,
          hardening of the arteries, poor immune function
          and liver congestion, among other conditions, have
          all been linked to improper utilization of fats. With
          the lipase in Transfer-Tox™, the body’s ability to
          properly use fats is naturally and safely supported.

          Black Currant Extract –
          Black  Currants  are  the
          richest source of Gamma
          Linolenic   Acid    (GLA).
          Black  Currant  extract  is
          used  to  adjust  the  fatty
          acid  profile  in  the  diet.
          While the body is capable
          of synthesizing GLA from
          linoleic acid this conversion is impaired in cases of
          liver dysfunction.

          Barberry Bark Powder- Barberry bark comes from
          the  barberry  plant.  This  shrub  produces  yellow
          flowers and bares small red fruit. The bark of this
                                    shrub      holds      many
                                    beneficial properties.
                                    The  alkaloids  berberine,
                                    beramine, and oxyacantha
                                    can all be found within the barberry bark. The bark is a natural antibacterial
                                    and  anti-inflammatory.  It  has  shown  to  improve  the  overall  function  of  the
                                    immune  system.     Barberry  is  an  excellent  for  correcting  liver  function  and
                                    promoting  the  flow  of  bile.    Barberry  is  suggested  when  there  is  an
                                    inflammation of the gallbladder or the presence of gall stones.  Barberry acts
                                    on  the  gallbladder  to  improve  bile  flow  and  alleviate  conditions  such  as
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